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  2. Your privacy program

Taking the privacy readiness assessment

Take your first steps towards a privacy ready business by taking your assessment. This article will walk you through taking the privacy assessment for the first time.

In this article:

What is the privacy readiness assessment?

The privacy readiness assessment is a questionnaire designed to gauge how ready your organisation is when it comes to privacy. The answers in this assessment dictate your current privacy readiness and establish which privacy tasks you have already completed and the ones that still need to be done. This assessment aims to reveal the areas that are privacy ready in your organisation as well as the areas that need more work.

Why do you need to take the privacy readiness program?

The assessment begins your privacy readiness journey by establishing your current state of readiness and the steps your organisation needs to take to become privacy ready. Unlike the security assessment, the privacy readiness assessment can only be taken one time. The results of the privacy assessment will allow Onwardly to set up your privacy readiness program with the appropriate tasks to complete in order to become completely privacy ready.

How to take the privacy readiness program

Starting your assessment

  1. Login to Onwardly
  2. On the Dashboard page, click on Start assessment in the privacy readiness section. This will take you to the privacy readiness assessment. You will then be run through a series of questions assessing your current privacy readiness program.


  3. Select and click the boxes which are most suited to you then click on Next. These questions will help to produce a nine step privacy readiness program with a prioritised list of tasks that you are your team can perform to improve your privacy.

During your assessment 


  1. During the assessment, you can click the icon located to the right of the question you are answering to provide a description of the question. 
  2. You may want to continue the privacy assessment at a later date. To do this, click on + Save for later located at the top right corner of the privacy assessment. This will allow you to save your progress and come back to it when you can.
  3. There may be sections in the privacy assessment that you may like to skip. To do this, click on Skip this section located at the top right corner of the privacy assessment. 
  4. If you decide to abandon the assessment you can cancel it at any time. To do this, click on Cancel this assessment located in the bottom right corner of the page which will bring the assessment to a close ending any progress made. 
  5. During the assessment, you can keep track of your progress, which is indicated by the gold line running along the top of the page and will progress with each completed section.
  6. During the assessment, you may want to roll back to a previous section. Click on the back arrow located in the top left corner of your browser until you reach the desired section.

Finishing your assessment 

  1. Congratulations, you have now successfully completed the privacy assessment. Click View Onwardly Program! to view your nine step privacy readiness program to help you and your team establish and maintain a comprehensive privacy program.
