Ready to start working towards security success in Onwardly? Use this article to better understand how to use tasks to improve your security and privacy programs. This will cover both standard and repeating tasks.
In this article:
Understanding tasks
Standard tasks
Your standard tasks are there to help you track the activities you need to complete to improve your security program. Each task has a Security or Privacy tag, which represents which program they belong to. A task could relate to an action within Onwardly, such as taking the security assessment or inviting team members, or to an activity you need to perform in your organisation, such as creating an "Acceptable Use" document or performing backups on your critical systems.
Clicking on a task will provide you with a brief description of the task and explain what needs to be done to complete it. You can also click on View policy standard in each Security task to view the area of the security policy that the task relates to.
Repeating tasks
Your repeating tasks enable you to repeat regular tasks daily, through to yearly. These are used to repeat the creation of standard tasks whenever the repeating task is due. These have the same Security or Privacy tags to show which program they relate to. Use these tasks to automate the creation of tasks that you and your team may need to complete multiple times in the week, month, or year.
Using tasks
Standard tasks
When a due date for a task is coming up, or you want to complete a task, follow this process:
- Login to Onwardly.
- On the Dashboard, click on the Tasks tab located at the left of the page under the Task section. This will take you to the Tasks page.
- By default, you will land on the Next up section of your tasks, but you can switch between the All tasks and Completed sections at the top of the page.
- Scroll through the tasks and click on the name of the task you want to complete.
- Read through the description of the task to understand what needs to be done, then click Start when you are ready to begin. You'll notice the Status will change to In progress.
- Some tasks will have links inside them to create a record or a runbook relating to that task. Use these along with other tools to meet the requirements of the task in your business.
- Once you are finished with the task, go back to the task's page and click Complete. The Status will change to Completed and you can move on to the next task.
Repeating tasks
Repeating tasks are simply standard tasks that will automatically be created based on how often they have been set to repeat. This will first happen on the date they have been set to begin, and the due date will be set for a day, week, month, quarter, six months or a year after the creation date, depending on the way the repeating task had been set up. Once the repeating task has created the corresponding standard task, it will be found under the Tasks tab along with all of your other standard tasks.
The process of using repeating tasks once they have been created is the same as standard tasks, so you can simply follow the steps above.
To create, edit and delete repeating tasks, see Managing tasks