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  2. Your privacy program

Working through your privacy readiness program

Beginning your journey through your privacy readiness program? This article will show you the steps you need to take to become privacy ready.

In this article:

What is the privacy readiness program?

In partnership with Simply Privacy, the privacy readiness program is equipped with everything your organisation needs to become privacy ready in 30 days. The program aims to help your organisation meet the needs of global privacy frameworks such as the NZ Privacy Act. Working through this program will show your customers that your organisation is serious about security and will allow you to confidently operate your business on the global stage.

Working through your privacy readiness program

Once you have taken the privacy assessment, you can begin to work through the range of tasks that make up your privacy program. The program is broken into nine steps, each with its own set of tasks that need to be completed to achieve each step. To view and work through your privacy program, follow these steps:

  1. Login into Onwardly
  2. On the Dashboard, click on the Privacy tab located under programs at the left of the page. This will take you to the privacy readiness program.


  3. At the top of the privacy readiness page, you can view your progress through the program. You will see your Program readiness, the Steps completed, and the Total tasks completed.


  4. The nine steps of the program are listed below your progress. Each one will either have a percentage of completion or a tick to show it has been completed on the left of the page.


  5. Under each step, you can view the related tasks, along with the title, who the task is assigned to, the task's status, and the task's due date.
  6. Click on the name of any task to view more details on the task, or to complete the task (see Working with tasks)


  7. To view some useful how-to guides as you work through your privacy readiness program, click on the chat icon on the bottom right of the page. Then select the guide you would like to view.
